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Pre-loved marketplace - shop and donate

Shop or donate pre-loved goodies today

Buying second hand is not only great for the planet and your wallet - it's also a brilliant way to change young people's lives in your community.

We're now selling pre-loved items via our NEW eBay shop and regular jumble sales (held at our Riverside Youth Hub)

Shop and/or donate today, and help young people in BaNES feel safe, heard and hopeful for their future. 

Click the buttons below to explore our eBay shop or visit our events to find out more about our next Jumble Sale.

Donate your pre-loved items

We're looking for good quality items, in good condition e.g. you would be happy passing on to a friend or family member. 

  • books
  • clothing (including footwear)

  • homeware and kitchenware​ (no electricals please)

  • toys

  • accessories e.g. jewellery, handbags 
  • leisure items e.g. outdoor sporting equipment

Please don't donate anything that requires cleaning or is damaged.

High quality items

If you have any high quality items e.g. antiques or collectables, that you would like to donate, please email your name, contact information, description of item (as much info as possible) and its estimated value.

Where and when to donate

Please drop your pre-loved items off to our Riverside Youth Hub (behind Richer Sounds on London Road)

Address: Riverside Youth Hub, York Mews, Bath BA1 6AE

Free parking is available

Opening hours: Donations should be made during our office opening hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30am-4pm

Please email or call us to let us know which day you're coming

Important information - our youth hub is a vital safe space for the young people we support. For this reason, please only drop-off during our opening hours. Any probs email or call us on 01225 429 694.