Check out our latest events and how you can support our work with young people across Bath & North East Somerset.

Bath Half 2025
Run the Bath Half for Mentoring Plus on Sunday 16 March in 2025 and help us change the lives of young people in Bath & North East Somerset.
We ask that each runner raises a minimum £200. All funds raised will help us provide young people facing challenges, such as difficulties at school or challenges with mental health access 1:1 volunteer mentoring support.
To find out how volunteer mentoring changes young lives visit:
Price of entry
£45pp - you will receive a Mentoring Plus Bath Half vest.
How we will support you
All runners will be welcomed at our Runners' Village Marquee with refreshments and snacks both before and after the race.
How to run for us
Simply email our Community & Relationships Lead - Ruth Brown to enquire / secure your place:
Find out more about The Bath Half
Visit the official Bath Half website for more details about the event

Jumble Sale - come and grab a bargain!
Join us on Saturday 22 March for our Riverside Jumble Sale!
Come along, have a rummage, and uncover some amazing bargains - all while making a real difference in the lives of the young people we support.
Delicious homemade cakes & refreshments available!
Saturday 22 March 10am-12pm
Riverside Youth Hub (behind Richer Sounds), London Road, BA1 6AE
Entrance 50p
Jumble sale and tombola