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The journey we've been on

Who we are today

We are an independent charity, helping young people aged 5-25 feel safe, heard and hopeful for their future. Every year we help over 300 young people across Bath & North East Somerset, by providing positive and playful 1:1 mentoring, inspiring activities and inclusive youth clubs.

Our history

Mentoring Plus was part of a national network of projects set up in 1998 as part of Crime Concern, with a focus on mentoring young people aged 12-17 identified as being at risk of offending.

When central government funding for these projects ended, the organisation became an independent charity to continue its work in 2005. It is the only remaining project from this national initiative.

The charity was supported from 2005 by Bath & NE Somerset Council, who commissioned us to provide community volunteer mentoring to young people at risk.

This commission has evolved and now focuses on supporting wellbeing, school engagement and community connections, but we have won it consecutively ever since. We raised funds for young people’s activities and core costs from grant-giving organisations and our community. At this time we supported up to 30 young people at once.

In 2015

We expanded our service to offer volunteer mentors to primary-aged children aged 7-11, supported by local primary schools and charitable funding. We were also offering embedded in-school mentoring by this time.

In 2016

We first offered professional 1-1 mentoring to higher-need mentees. We also won a commission from the Dept for Education to deliver workplace group mentoring across the West of England in partnership with two Bristol-based charities. This work continues led by our partner Ablaze, though the project is no longer government funded.

In 2017

We moved from western Bath to our current HQ at Riverside Youth Hub off the London Road, as a tenant of the local authority. With its garden, ball court, hall, kitchen, music studio and games area, Riverside transformed our ability to offer activities, 1-1 mentoring, partnership projects and space for community groups

In 2018

We bid for and won a second local authority commission, Student & Family Support (SAFS). Two staff transferred to us under TUPE and we hired a further 2 to deliver this work supporting students to re-access mainstream education

In 2019

We took over delivery of our youth clubs in partnership with local charity Bath YFC

In 2020

We rapidly adapted our service to online provision during lockdowns, including individual mentoring, family support and activity groups. We delivered activity packs and encouraged outdoor mentoring when this became possible

In 2021

We won another 3-5 year local authority commission for volunteer mentoring and our SAFS commission was extended for 2 further years. We now support 260+ young people across our core projects at any one time

In 2024

We celebrated supporting more than 330 young people across Bath & North East Somerset. 104 young people were supported by our volunteer mentors, 104 by our professional mentors and 119 by our Student & Family Support Service. We hosted 164 youth club sessions, attracting over 680 attendances.